Cosmetology Schools Anaheim CA

cosmetology schools in Anaheim CA offer a great way to enter into the beauty and cosmetology industry.

A number of courses can be completed in only a matter of one and half to two years, meaning you can be sitting for the Cosmetologist license examination within a few months or so after finishing your training course.

Requirements and Training Programs

Prerequisites for Cosmetology Schools

It’s vital to go over all the conditions to become a beautician prior to starting your training courses. You need to hold a H.S. diploma or GED and meet the legal age minimum.

Leading Beauty Schools in California


Exactly Why is Cosmetologist License Crucial to Your Professional Career?

If you want to get your beauty certification, or get a certification in a specialized section of cosmetology, the following is how to pull off executing it. To be licensed in CA, you have to finish your official schooling to start with.

Then, be certain to go to the necessary 1,600 working hours to meet the requirements of the California Board of Cosmetology. During this time period you will receive simulated instruction just like you will do on-the-job.

The next task will be to successfully pass your state’s license test. Make sure you seek out apprenticeship programs, they might allow you to receive extra hours pertaining to training and get opportunities when it comes to potential future employment opportunities.

Additionally it is extremely important to not overlook, after getting licensed, you will need to re-up your certification. Call your State Board of Cosmetology for all of the state’s renewal prerequisites.

CA Licensing Specifications for Occupations Accessible Inside the Field of Cosmetology

  • Beautician – 1600 Hrs in addition to 3200 Hours for Possibilities Apprenticeship Prospects
  • Esthetician – 600 Hours
  • Nail Specialist – 400 Working hours
  • Electrologist – 600 Hrs along with 3,200 Hours pertaining to Prospects Apprenticeship Options available
  • Barber – 1,500 Hours and additionally 3,200 Hours for Chances Apprenticeships Programs

California Cosmetology Board
P.O. Box 944226 Sacramento, CA 94244-2260
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Telephone # – 916-574-7570
Apprenticeships Availability Telephone # — 916-405-6040 and 805-644-3900
Fax # — 916-575-7281
Email Address –

Career and Earnings Perspective

Positions for Cosmetologists in Anaheim CA

Countrywide Information and Facts Information per
Median Salary $22,770 per year
Median Pay 10.95 an hour
Entry-Level Training Demanded Post-Secondary non degree award
Predicted Experience NA
Occupation Training NA
The year 2012 Jobs 663,300
Occupation Prospects Growth, 2012-22 +13%
Job Opportunities Growth – Years 2012-2022 83,300

We do not have to explain to you that the demand for cosmetologists in California is growing yearly according to O*Net Online. In fact, the position’s forecasted rate of growth is one of the best of any sector in the labor force. These particular figures illustrate a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for anyone who is interested in getting into the cosmetology industry.

Additional Info

Subjects Discussed in Cosmetology Classes in Anaheim CA

You have made the decision that you want to become a beautician, and now you’ll want to choose which of the beauty schools is right. The first task in getting started with a job as a cosmetologist is to pick which of the outstanding cosmetologist schools will be best for you. To make sure you are not wasting time and financial resources, it is essential to make sure that the program or school you have decided on is actually certified by the California State Board. Right after looking into the accreditation situation, you need to look a little deeper to make certain that the classes you like can offer you the appropriate training.

  • Find out all you can regarding the training school – particularly its track record
  • What’s the success rate in passing the license test in comparison with other good training centers?
  • Price of education vs any other programs or training schools

Whenever cosmetologist training schools proclaim they provide complete cosmetology training programs, it usually refers to the training connected with hairstyling, healthy skin care, nails, plus make up is normally accessible within a in depth training course.

Cosmetologist Colleges Show Trainees a Bunch of Attributes to use

Cosmetology college students learn to apply the skills acquired for future clientele via in-class lessons, the particular given references, not to mention “hands-on” training, learning in students only salons.

The state program curriculum method will without a doubt differ from one state to another, however a beautician school student will graduate with a thorough understanding of all the components of the beautician field, though students are definitely permitted to specialize in a certain service or area.

Prepare to Begin Your New Career Today!

With all the information we have provided, you should be set to pick cosmetology schools and become a cosmetologist!

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